

January 2022  |   Vol 2 Issue 6

Dear children

You are the creator of your own destiny...

“You are the creator of your own destiny” means you should be responsible for the choices you made in your formative years.

In fact, you are always guided by teachers, parents, and friends in your childhood and adolescence. Most of the time you make choices as per your need at that time. But, the fact is whatever may be the case, you should face the consequences.

At a young age, you may not be mature enough to make your own decisions. You may not like people who give you advice. When you are bored or irritated with something it’s not your fault. It happens due to the lack of enough knowledge and experience on the same.

Hard Work will never go in Vain

The effort you have put into a task will never be wasted.

At times you may fail and sometimes you may succeed. If you fail, you can learn something new and you come to know what not to do. Always remember, “Experience is the best teacher”.

Keep working on your failures and try to find solutions. Great discoveries did not happen in a single year or a decade. Work hard as per your ability and be sure that your efforts are made with passion. Whenever you want to discontinue a task you had decided to take up then ask yourself - Why did I start the work !! I should not have committed to myself if I did not want to complete it for whatever reason.

Take good and leave bad

In society there are always certain factors influencing us. For example, reading an article about crimes in the newspaper may create some kind of curiosity in you about the crime. In a similar way, a motivational story of an IAS or IPS or Army Officer may motivate you to do good things in your career. There is always good and bad in every situation. The one you choose will make the difference.

An ant picks up sugar crystals out of a mixture of sand and sugar. This is a simple motivation given by a small creature on the Earth. Let yourself be motivated to accept the good and train your heart to say “NO” in certain situations` at times.

Be a good Listener - Listen to a person

Most of the time our ego will not allow to listen to others.We need to accept the facts. In some situations you can’t decide the right thing by just listening but you can make the best choice by listening with patience.

Whatever may be the situation:

  • Respect your elders.
  • Fight for the hard right against the easy wrong.
  • Know your capabilities in your fields.
  • Be honest even in small matters...It’s very difficult to be honest and open minded all the time in the current society…It will be possible by being honest at least in small things which we ignore.
  • As a student, remember your responsibilities..
  • The things which you learnt in this school will help you to lead your life with courage and smile.

    You have and will have very good memories of your childhood because of this beautiful school and these formative years will be the best years of your life.

    Be honest...Be good …..Be happy…..


- Mr. Venkat Rao

Right to Education

Right to Education is one of the fundamental rights given by the constitution of India. Every citizen of the nation has an equal right for basic education.

Education helps to develop oneself physically, emotionally and intellectually.It paves the way to have a better career and can have opportunities to work at the different workplaces of their choice.Education enhances our knowledge and provides information in different fields to enhance our skills and to have a bright career.

Education also promotes the development of a nation. The nation's growth and development depends on the literacy rate of the country. Education not only means literacy but also making use of our skills in the field which we choose as our career. It builds self confidence which helps to achieve whatever we want in our life.

Education makes an individual fly with the wings and aware of the surroundings with confidence, face any kind of challenges and hurdles in any situation of our life.

Today technology plays an important role in the field of education. Through technology a person can gather any information in no time. But here the education helps us to make a wise decision on using such information.

- Ms. Nalanda Sapna



మనిషి ఆశా జీవి. రేపటి కోసం కలలు గనే ఒకేఒక జాతి మానవజాతి. గతాన్ని ఒక పాఠంగా చేసుకొని భవిష్యత్తులోకి అడుగు పెట్టాలి. ఈ కొత్త సంవత్సరం అందరం ఆరోగ్యంగా ఉండాలనీ, పాఠశాలకు అందరు విద్యార్థులు వస్తూ, పాఠశాలకు మరింత శోభను ఇస్తారని ఆశిద్దాం!గత జ్ఞాపకాలను నెమరు వేస్తూ ... కొత్త ఆశలకు ఊపిరి పోస్తూ...అభ్యుదయం ఆకాంక్షిస్తూ...

పరుగో పరుగు అంటూ లక్ష్యం లేకుండా ఎంత దూరం పరిగెత్తినా, ఎక్కడికి వెళ్ళరు మరలా మొదటికే వస్తారు.లక్ష్యం,నిర్ణయం,సంకల్పం,సత్యం మనిషికి బలాన్నిస్తాయి.జీవితంలో ఎదగడానికి లక్ష్యంపై ఉన్న శ్రద్ధ,లక్ష్యసాధనపై చూపితే విజయ రహస్యం తెలిసినట్లే...

ఒక లక్ష్యం, దాన్ని సాధించూ...ఒక పరీక్ష, దానిలో ఉత్తీర్ణుడవ్వూ...ఒక ఆట ,దాన్ని గెలువూ...ఒక పాట, దాన్ని పాడి వినిపించూ...ఒక పని, దాన్ని పూర్తిచేయూ...

కాబట్టి ముందుకు వెడదాం! పురోగమన బాటను నిర్మిద్దాం! చిర్నవ్వుల ప్రపంచాన్ని సాధిద్దాం! సరికొత్త లోకాన్నిచూద్దాం!

- Ms. K.Rajyalaxmi

नई शुरुआत

नया साल २०२२ की शुरुआत खुशियों और उल्लास से भरा हो इसी उम्मीद के साथ हम कुछ नई शुरुआत करें l नए साल में COVID-19 जैसी महामारी से सामना न हो, हम सब स्वस्थ रहें l सभी विद्यार्थियों के जीवन में पहले के जैसा सामान्य स्कूल और कॉलेज हो l हमारे देश की आर्थिक समस्या ठीक हो l पर्यटक स्थल आम लोग के लिए खोल दिया जाये ताकि लोग खुले वातावरण में घूम सके l अपने परिवार के साथ बच्चे और बूढ़े पिकनिक का मनोरंजन ले सके l सभी फैक्ट्री पुनः खुल सके, हमारे देश में गरीबी की समस्या न हो, कोई भी भूखे न सोये l उद्योगपति अपना व्यापार अच्छे से कर सके l हमारा देश विज्ञान और खेल जगत में और आगे बढे, विश्व में आगे बढे l हमारे देश के हर छोटे स्थान पर अस्पताल हो ताकि पिछले वर्ष की तुलना में इस वर्ष हमारे देशवासियों को परेशानी न हो l हमारे देश के कुछ राज्य में प्रदूषण काफी बढ़ रहा है, जिससे वातावरण परिवर्तन पर काफी प्रभाव पर रहा है l इससे कोई एक राज्य नहीं बल्कि पूरा देश सामना कर रहा है I इस वर्ष हम अधिक से अधिक पौधे लगाने का संकल्प लें ताकि वातावरण परिवर्तन पर नियंत्रण हो सके l नए साल में हम Fit-india को ध्यान में रखते हुए, हम संकल्प ले की इस साल हम रोज योग करे और खुद के स्वास्थ्य का ख्याल रखें l नये साल के सारे त्योहार हम अपनों के साथ हर्ष उल्लास के साथ मना सके l

- Ms. Anjali Singh