

December 2021  |   Vol 2 Issue 5

Film Review - Dhamaka


Dhamaka is a well made thriller with a great climax. It is based on a 2013 Korean film, The Terror Live. It is a remake of a 2013. The movie is directed by Ram Madhavani.

It was thrilling to watch the movie! Karthik Aryan has given a sombre performance in the movie. His portrayal of the character of Arjun Pathak is realistic.

Ex-Sherwoodian, Anuj Gurwara has played a cameo role, that of Manas Sethi, an INL news anchor.

It was both a pleasure and a matter of immense pride to see him give such an impressive performance. We have also seen him earlier in movies such as Anand, Hyderabad Blues-II and Maryada Ramanna.

- Gargi Havale VIII


“Your Majesty, please wake up!” the servant said to the prince who was sleeping soundly. “Yes I am awake” replied the prince in a sleepily. It was 7 in the morning but the castle looked soulful. Everything had been done, from the princes’ dress up system to the royals’ breakfast. The maids were roaming around getting the chores done until the prince of Utopia, Prince Louse, was getting ready to go to the royal court. The prince was now ready and moving towards the court. He stopped on his way as he encountered a painting of a very beautiful woman, the painting was of his late sister Queen Nancy.

As he was staring at it, a tear unknowingly made its way from his eyes down to his cheeks. Queen Nancy was regarded as one of the best rulers in the history of Utopia and still ruled the heart of many although it was almost 10 years since her death. The prince remembered how brave his sister was, he remembered how he lost her and his parents.

Fifteen Years Ago:

“Paulo, protect my children from them. If me and the king die or we lose, train them on how to fight and take over our kingdom again” prince Louses’ mother, queen Eliana said to the chief of the troop. “ I know how to use a sword I will fight with you and father, mother please permit me to”. Said a girl who was about 18 years old. “ No my daughter you will not”. The queen replied as she denied her request. “Let’s leave princess” Paulo said, more like a command. The 18-year-old princess and the 8-year-old- prince had to leave. As they left, the king and the queen went to fight in the war. The war continued for 3 days. It resulted in the victory of the former king of Utopia, king Denier 2, but unfortunately the queen had passed away. Princess Nancy and Prince Louse were brought back to their kingdom. After 3 years when princess Nancy was only 21, her father passed away resulting in the princess becoming the next ruler.

When she had taken over the throne prince Louse was only 11. Queen Nancy was a wise, honest, intelligent, brave and neutral queen. She always punished the guilty regardless of their rank. This caused her to become really loved among the nation’s people in a very short amount of time.

Two years had passed and it was another peaceful day in the kingdom when suddenly a troop came running to the palace shouting, “We have been attacked by Clavania ''. This message was forwarded to the 23-year-old queen. It was a huge kingdom so everybody wanted to rule it, but only a few dared to attack this glorious kingdom. The queen demanded the army to attack back and in no time they had done it under the guidance of the queen and the higher ups. She believed that she was a queen only when the kingdom was running peacefully, she became a warrior during a war. Not only her but every single troop did. Utopia had applied a very strong strategy and within no time half of the enemy’s army had been shattered. The queen was having a sword fight with the king of Clavania, king Daniel. Both were amazing and had a few bruises. It was a cut-throat fight and no one could predict who would win. Queen Nancy knew how to use a sword with both her hands, so she took out her second sword and slit the throat of the enemy. Yes, Queen Nancy had won yet again and Utopia's army started to celebrate as the enemy’s dropped down their weapons.

While queen Nancy was returning back with a victorious smile, she felt a sharp pain in her chest as she started coughing blood. She had been shot by an arrow and another arrow, one after the other and within a matter of seconds she laid there, Lifeless. The chief of the troop executed the enemy’s man who had killed the beloved queen. Her death brought the kingdom to the dark side.

Ten years had passed and prince louse had now become capable of handling a kingdom. Today is his coronation. “Prince we should get going, everyone is waiting for you in the court”. “As you say, chief of troops”. The prince has been crowned as the king. With this he proceeded to say that he would become a ruler just like his sister and father. Everyone cheered for him and some hoped that he would not back up from his words later. “And cut,” the director said.

“Thank you all for participating in this movie. It is going to be a hit. And yes how can we forget our main lead Norah? Thank you so much Norah”. He finished up.

Hi! I am Norah, a very well-known actress. I played the role of Queen Nancy in this movie. She did have a tragic ending but I am not complaining though.

- Yammini, VIII

Hello, I am Manyatha. I am studying in class VII. Please take a look at my learning of the French language.

I learn French from Duolingo. You can also learn any foreign language from this app. The link to the app is given below.

Learning a foreign Language:


- G. Manyatha, VII

Reopening day memories

I can never forget 8th November 2021. I can say that it was a memorable day for us as we were back at school again! When I received the news of school reopening, it made me levitate! I cannot express my feelings at all. The 2019 - 20 and 2020 - 21 batch has experienced something different and new. After attending online classes for one and a half years, I was bored. I was missing our physical class. On the school reopening day, I was excited to meet my teachers and friends. I was looking forward to playing on the ground, having snacks with my classmates (without sharing) and interacting with teachers face to face. The time I stepped into the school, I felt like this was a new start. After entering the school, I wanted to meet my Primary Wing teachers as the last time I met them was before the Pandemic, and we got promoted to sixth. But we managed to see them in a mask. Seeing my Senior Wing teachers was the best. I enjoyed my first day of school after lockdown and made many good memories on this special day.

- Prabhleen Kaur, VII

I was so happy when I came to the school.

I was so excited to visit my new senior wing classes and I was so excited to even meet my friends and my sweet teachers. When I saw my friends, I just wanted to hug them and play with them but I could not because of covid we needed to maintain social distance, but I was so happy to be back to school.

- Sanjitha. V, VI


Co curricular activities help children to vent out their inner self, express their ideas and thoughts in the form of dance, literature, art etc. It is a platform to build up interpersonal relations among the students. They learn to organise, plan and execute activities within the stipulated time efficiently. The CCA conducted every Friday is an opportunity for every child to discover their passion in the creative field.

‘A story in three frames’ was a team activity where children presented the essence of a story in just three frames as a tableau while their friends in attendance guessed the story being presented. This required a thorough brainstorming to pick a relevant story, analyse the major turns of the story to be presented and then followed by a practice session. Since this CCA happened after a gap of 22 months, it was exciting and children had loads of fun while engaged in the activity.

About the UNIVERSE

The universe is everything from the tiniest particles to the largest galaxies to the very existence of space time and life, but how did it all begin? The origin of the universe is the origin of everything. Multiple scientific theories plus creation nets from around the world have tried to explain mysterious genesis.

The most widely accepted explanation is the big bang theory. The big bang theory states that the universe begins at a hot and infinitely dense point. Only a few millimeters wide. It was similar to a supercharged black hole. About 13.7 billion years ago this tiny singularity violently exploded. From this explosion, matter, energy, space, and time were created. What happened next were two major stages in the universe’s evolution called RADIATION ERA and the MATTER ERA. This were key events that helped shape the universe. First came the Radiation Era named for the dominance of radiation. This era is made of smaller stages called epochs. The earliest is the Planck epoch. At this stage no matter existed, only energy and super forces of electro-weak, quark, hadron, lepton, and nuclear stage occurred. Then comes the Matter Era. It features three epochs namely, atomic, galactic and stellar. Many chemical reactions occurred in between. In turn those elements become the existence of planets, meaning life, everything we see today.

I have some questions for you

1) What type of galaxy is the most common in the universe?

2) How old is the universe in light years?

3) What is the most common type of star found in the Milky Way?

4) What is the largest carter on Earth’s moon?

5) What flavor ice cream did Baskin-Robbins release in 1969 to commemorate America’s landing on the moon?

- V. Kautilya Kumar, VI